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With your support, hope can continue to live here.

We are grateful to all those who support us so generously!

Whether it’s help sprucing things up or a home-cooked meal for our women and children, donations of time and talent are always needed and appreciated.


You have skills – We invite you to share them with us!

There is nothing greater than when the passion of an individual (or group) meets the needs of a community. Through their ongoing efforts, CGE volunteers play an integral role in supporting the health and wellbeing of the individuals we serve. Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to: cleaning, organizing, painting, power washing, childcare, planting, providing meals and more.

CGE benefits from the dedicated time and efforts of corporate teams, congregations, community groups, and others.

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How contributions make a difference

“I wish that I could pick the CGE house up and stamp it all over the world for women in need of this type of support and love. I am forever blessed and grateful to be a part of the CGE family. That is exactly how I feel, although I know they are my clinical team, I love them and think of them as my own family.”

Alicia and Joe

CGE Contributors

Noreen Whittemore

Director of Community Relations
+1 (732) 247-7003 ext.325

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