To build health,
healing, and
Mending Marissa
Talk to someone who understands?
Mission Statement
Grounded in a spirituality that treasures the dignity of all,
Great Expectations seeks to form a partnership with homeless women
who are pregnant and parenting
in creating a safe place
a safe presence
and a safe path
that enables them to experience, choose and maintain physical, psychological,
social and spiritual health for themselves and their children.
Philosophy of Inclusion: CGE is committed to creating an environment that is inclusive of all races, ethnicities, ages, genders, socioeconomic statuses, languages, sexual orientations, literacies, physical and mental exceptionalities, or spiritualities and religions.
Get Involved
Lots of ways you can support the women, babies and families we serve.
Our committed caregivers and clinicians are ready to help you.
Our Programs
CGE By the numbers
$9 Million
Annual Budget
People served per year
Programs in our continuum of care
Helping families since 1998.
See our lifesaving work at our next reception and tour. Our incredible volunteers are onsite, too, busy helping us meet our member’s needs.

“Coming here was an hour and a half away. But it was something I had to deal with in order to stay with my son. Because no foster home wanted me and my son together.”
Adolescent Residential Program, Client
“At the stone ceremony, the staff sits down as a team and picks the stone with a message that they believe fits us… And you know why they can do that? Because they actually pay attention to us. They pay attention to our growth.”
Adult Residential, Graduate
“The whole principle of the Center for Great Expectations and how they treat you and how they view addiction, I hope that that stands out and shines somewhere in this society because we need to bring light to this. It does work.”
Adult Residential Program, Graduate
2023 Impact Report
Take a more in-depth look at our impact in 2023 with our 2023 Impact Report.