With your support, hope can continue to live here.
We are grateful to all those who support us so generously!
The pregnant and parenting women and their children who come to CGE are searching for hope. Hope for a life that isn’t controlled by substance use, to overcome the trauma from their past, to bond with their children. Hope to live a life that everyone deserves. With your support, we can continue to provide hope and healing. CGE relies on the generosity of individuals, foundations, and corporations to fund our programs within our annual budget.

Baby Bottle Brigade
Volunteers purchase baby bottles (Dollar Store) to collect spare change from family members, companies, businesses, schools, houses of worship, and all who want to participate. Once your bottles are filled, bring them to your bank to be counted. Then drop off your check to 19B Dellwood Lane, Somerset, NJ — and visit CGE to see firsthand how your donations help support our programs.
You can make our critical work possible.
Supporting CGE today will create tomorrows filled with possibility. Imagine the hope you will give a woman when she overcomes her substance use disorder, learns to believe in herself and has the tools she needs to be the mother she always dreamed she could be. Not only will you help her turn her life around you will also be giving her child the priceless gift of a future filled with love and stability.

Celebrate your birthday by launching a fundraiser for CGE.
Create a fundraiser for CGE on GoFundMe. Start accepting donations immediately.
How contributions make a difference
“I wish that I could pick the CGE house up and stamp it all over the world for women in need of this type of support and love. I am forever blessed and grateful to be a part of the CGE family. That is exactly how I feel, although I know they are my clinical team, I love them and think of them as my own family.”
Alicia and Joe
CGE Contributors
Make a Financial Gift
Help us break the cycle of substance use, trauma and homelessness.
Your gift to CGE will help us continue to provide the enhanced levels of care that every individual in need of our services deserves. With your generous contribution, we can continue to equip the men, women and children we serve with the resources and support they need not just to be well — but to thrive.
Your gift today supports ongoing safe recovery and healing.
Your Cotribution
Funds 1 month of nurturing on-site care for a child at Katy’s Place
Funds 1 day of life-changing residential programming for one mother and her child
Funds 2 hours of one-to-one client-centered tele-health counseling
Funds 1 hour of parent-infant mental health counseling for a mom and her child(ren)
Funds 1 week of nutritional meals for one family
Funds 1 virtual activity (Treasure Hunt/Escape Room) for adolescent clients
Funds 1 Family Movie Night plus refreshments for adult residential families
Funds 1 month of nurturing on-site care for a child at Katy’s Place
Funds 1 day of life-changing residential programming for one mother and her child
Funds 2 hours of one-to-one client-centered tele-health counseling
Funds 1 hour of parent-infant mental health counseling for a mom and her child(ren)
Funds 1 week of nutritional meals for one family
Funds 1 virtual activity (Treasure Hunt/Escape Room) for adolescent clients
Funds 1 Family Movie Night plus refreshments for adult residential families
Help ensure that hope and help will always be here for those who need it.
Become a Champion of Hope by donating any amount of your choosing on a recurring monthly or yearly basis.
Another thing to consider when donating is to check with your employer to see if your company participates in a matching gift program. It’s an excellent way to add to your original contribution.
Champions of Hope:
Beth and Gerard Altonji
Veronica Bannon
John and Joyce Buffato
Margaret A. Clancy
The Ferdinando Family
Vanessa Flewellen
Sarah and Billy Gouveia
Ron and Barbara Heck
Thomas and Karen Kurtz
John F. McCullagh
Linda Misuraca
Mindy Morris
Michael and Helen Schuler
Michael and Maureen Stevens
Linda VanDerveer
Champion of Hope
Donations that are made on a recurring monthly or yearly basis are essential to support our mission’s greatest needs. As a Champion of Hope, you’ll help make it possible for individuals engaged with The Center to find a safe place, safe presence and safe path on their journey to a life of hope and promise.
Become a Champion of Hope“Being a recurring donor, allows us to more closely partner with CGE’s exceptional team to make a difference throughout the year. Monthly giving has allowed us to increase the impact we are blessed to make in helping CGE break the cycle of homelessness, poverty, and abuse.”
Billy & Sarah Gouveia, Champions of Hope since 2010
Veronica Finlay
Director of Development
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Planned & Legacy Giving
It is a wonderful legacy to help create a safe place, safe presence and a safe path for those seeking substance use and mental health treatment.
Imagine how many lives you’ll transform if you participate in our Legacy and Planned Giving Program: Mothers and children will be provided an opportunity for a better future. Men and women will receive help with substance use and mental health treatment in our outpatient program. Homeless families will be provided with a safe place to live.
There are multiple ways to participate in planned giving. Call or come speak with us confidentially about your thoughts and learn more about how we can connect them to CGE’s current and future needs.
We also recommend you speak to your financial advisor to determine what’s best suited to your personal circumstances..
Baby Bottle Brigade
Start a Baby Bottle Brigade. You don’t need a set number of people. You don’t need to be a certain age. And you can start it whenever you want.
Noreen Whittemore
Director of Community Relations
+1 (732) 247-7003 ext.325
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Help us meet the ongoing needs of our CGE families.
As you might expect, having two houses full of women and children creates a constant need for a lot of different everyday items — like diapers, shampoo, laundry detergent and other items we typically pick up when shopping for our own homes. The majority of individuals entering a CGE program arrive with little or no possessions. So, we appreciate any donations that can help us satisfy their basic needs.
To help us replenish the items our families need, we post on Facebook and Instagram when a particular item is running low.
If you prefer us to do the shopping, gift cards are another great way to show your support for the work we do here at CGE.
Please remember to include a gift receipt so we can thank you!
Porch drop-offs
On-line purchase and shipment of donations is encouraged. You can also arrange a porch drop-off of new items, by calling Pat Sommero.
Items can be shipped to:
The Center for Great Expectations,19B Dellwood Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873
Wishlist Link:
AmazonMore Information
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You have skills – We invite you to share them with us!
There is nothing greater than when the passion of an individual (or group) meets the needs of a community. Through their ongoing efforts, CGE volunteers play an integral role in supporting the health and wellbeing of the individuals we serve. Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to: cleaning, organizing, painting, power washing, childcare, planting, providing meals and more.
CGE benefits from the dedicated time and efforts of corporate teams, congregations, community groups, and others.