Like spring, our Stone Ceremony is a sign of renewal.
Encouraging words are spoken. Laughs are shared. Tears are shed. Our Stone Ceremony is a deeply moving and powerful moment for CGE’s graduating residents.
This special celebration is held whenever someone is ready to leave our women’s residential program. The clinical staff, the graduating resident, her peers, family members, sponsor and anyone else the graduate feels is part of her circle of support is invited to be there.
Before the ceremony starts, the clinical staff selects a stone that offers a message that they feel truly resonates with that individual’s time in our care.
As each person is handed the stone, they have the chance to share stories, talk about the graduate’s time in the program, and offer their thoughts on why this stone’s message connects to the graduate.
For our graduates, the stone is a symbol of all the lessons learned. All the love and care they experienced. It’s a reminder that even though we won’t always be with them, they hold each of us in that stone forever.
Our Stone Ceremony marks a new beginning in each graduate’s life. A joyous occasion. It proves to them that they’re ready to continue a life in recovery. And build a better future for themselves and their children.