Recovery Month Reflection

Recovery Month Reflection

As recovery month comes to a close, I am heartened reflecting back on stone ceremonies of women past who have moved through CGE’s Long-Term Residential Mommy & Me program. A stone ceremony is a tradition that CGE has established to honor a mother’s time in our...
Using music to heal.

Using music to heal.

Sitting in a church graveyard using drugs, this particular CGE client would tell herself over and over that tomorrow would be different. That thought she said, “Kept her alive.” One day, during a session of one of our allied therapies, Music for Recovery, she said...
Like spring, our Stone Ceremony is a sign of renewal.

Like spring, our Stone Ceremony is a sign of renewal.

Encouraging words are spoken. Laughs are shared. Tears are shed. Our Stone Ceremony is a deeply moving and powerful moment for CGE’s graduating residents. This special celebration is held whenever someone is ready to leave our women’s residential program. The clinical...
Wrapping Up Wellness Week!

Wrapping Up Wellness Week!

National Wellness Week is September 11-17. This initiative was launched utilizing the “Eight Dimensions of Wellness,” established by Dr. Peggy Swarbrick, Associate Director at Rutgers’ Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies and Research Professor, Graduate...
Recovery is Possible.

Recovery is Possible.

Per the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community,...